Liberating through Impermanence
I was born to parents,
They too were born to someone else,
They grow old and when the time comes they will die as all do.
I was born in a city,
It too was born,
It is always changing and will one day change so much it no longer will be recognized.
I was born in a country,
It too was born,
It is always changing and will one day change so much nobody will be able to identify.
I was born on a planet,
It too was born,
It is changing and one day gulped by the Sun it will not exist anymore.
I was born in a galaxy,
It too was born,
It is changing and one day change so much it won’t contain anythings which it can call it’s own.
I was born in a universe,
It too was born,
It is changing and one day will cease to exist.
I was born for what ?
To survive the days till I can no longer survive ?
To obey who or what ?
Souls permeate everything. They cannot be contained.
They follow no structures, no rules, no boundaries.
They decide the direction they want to fly in.